2020: Oh boy, what a wild year


“So this is Christmas
And what have you done?
Another year over
A new one just begun...“
This year caught us all off guard. Despite how far we’ve come as a civilization - our thriving societies, established economies, and advanced technologies - we couldn’t anticipate a global pandemic. 

Last year, if you spoke up about a flu that would kill hundreds of thousands of people, you would think of a time period before the 19th century. The Black Death, Bubonic Plague, or Cholera - those extreme outbreaks couldn’t possibly happen to us today. Well, we were wrong.

As a write this, it is Christmas day, I am in Hong Kong. The previous Christmas I was at home, enjoying a much-needed vacation back in South Africa with my family. I couldn’t return this year, and as a mutation is identified in my home country, it is unlikely I will be flying back anytime in the near future.

It doesn’t feel all that festive - there are strict lockdown measures in place and unsafe to venture out into public.

Despite the grim outlook still lingering in the air, I have had a rather pleasant and productive 2020.

For one, Hong Kong has had a more favourable time compared to other countries - initially we’ve kept the outbreak to a minimum and continued to function almost normally. 

A night hike up Victoria Peak in Hong Kong during 2020.
A night hike up Victoria Peak in Hong Kong during 2020.

Secondly, our company managed to remain operational and grow. I now lead a larger team, have more autonomy, and continue to push myself professionally. I am grateful for how fortunate I’ve had it, whilst my close friends have had to make sacrifices and face job uncertainties.

My family has remained strong and together - so far my parents, sister, and gran have kept healthy and active. I look forward to the day when we are reunited.

This year I played a good amount of football - and shared in the victory that followed in a few of those matches. Team sports are filled with unity and togetherness - whether it is winning or losing together. My football friends are great lads, and I will always cherish the game time we got together.

What moments defined 2020 for me?

I took a lot of photos - my FujiFilm was a new purchase and I put it to good use this year.

I spent time outdoors - this included camping twice on a faraway beach under the stars.

I asked for a raise - The agency is frugal with cash, but I voiced my worth and got a better wage.

I trained hard - two nights of football a week, followed by another night of Muay Thai or running.

I dated around - so many stunning women and their stories. One stuck, and she is wonderful.

I moved up - a better apartment with a view, a place I can call home for now.

Off camping in New Territories, Hong Kong - 2020
Off camping in New Territories, Hong Kong - 2020

"A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fears..."

Here’s to what is to come next - I am all the more prepared and hope we can pivot out of this wild mess we find ourselves in.


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